3 Years – 6 Years

Program Options
Half Day

Ages 3 and 4

Monday – Friday
from 8:30 a.m. – 11:30 a.m.
Full Day

Ages 3 and 4

Monday – Friday
from 8:30 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.
Full Day (Kindergarten)

Ages 5 and 6

Monday – Friday
from 8:30 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.

Each Primary class is composed of children between the ages of three and six, balanced for age and gender. The Montessori curriculum and learning materials are sequenced in such a way that each child can progress at his or her own pace. The large, many-windowed classrooms are furnished with child-sized equipment and a full complement of the concrete materials scientifically developed by Dr. Maria Montessori to meet the educational needs of this age group. Many opportunities are made available for students to achieve their highest academic potential. Students learn to care independently for their personal needs, practice fine motor skills, develop creative abilities, and sharpen their senses. Additionally, children acquire the social skills necessary to become happy and productive members of the classroom community, and develop an understanding of their own and others’ emotional needs. There is time each day for outdoor group play and physical education in our expansive, well-appointed playgrounds and gardens.

The children in their last year of the primary program (what is traditionally the Kindergarten year) stay until 3:00 pm five days a week. This longer day accommodates the children’s ability to study for a longer period of time, and helps prepare them for Elementary. Students spend their afternoons working with advanced materials. Special projects and field trips are an important part of this program as well.

…Our children are better prepared for life because they have been given the opportunity to make choices.

I am especially indebted to our preschool teachers. They did excellent work with our children but they also did excellent work with us. We were new to parenting and were anxious and unsure of ourselves. Our 3-6 classroom teacher in particular provided calm, measured, and experienced advice. We are grateful that we had guidance from experienced teachers. We were constantly reminded to “Follow the Child.” And that is something we still try to do…